Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Art coloring book!

 Today for cybersmart in Hub Mako we used this google tool called Art Coloring Book, and it is a website where you can get famous paintings and recolor them to your tastes. I really enjoyed choosing what colors to put in, but sometimes I would accidently move the picture and then I couldn't put the colors in.  Overall it was a fun activity to do, and I really enjoyed it. One thing I would recommend to Art coloring book is to make more colors and shades to use. Here are my transformed paintings: (By the way I chose the watermelon seller by Hafidh Al-Droubi and Young Man in the Costume of a Majo by Edouard Manet.) Please leave a comment on my work.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020


 Today in Hub Mako we made some fake news for a manaiakalani task. I decided to make mine on google drawings. You can probably guess what it is about. I really enjoyed doing this task, but it was hard to use all the space I had. To fix this problem I added a different story down the bottom which should be unreadable, but still noticeable. Also, don't try and read it because I just spammed my keyboard and copy and pasted it into lines. I decided to make the layout kind of like news page. Hope you like it, and please leave a comment.

Thursday, 15 October 2020


 In Cybersmart we have been learning about media and what it actually is. Today we made our own 'media'. I decided to do mine on google drawings and I based it on those incredibly annoying ads on TV. I tried to make it as out there and in your face as possible. I found it easy to get all the shapes together and make the layout of the ad, but it was hard to get exactly what I had in my mind because of the limits that drawings has. An example of this was when I was trying to make a light effect along the perimeter of the ball, I couldn't because drawings doesn't have the ability to blend colors and make colors blurred to achieve the desired effect. but here is the finished result. Please leave a comment.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

New Zealand Ninja Warrior!!!!

 For the past couple of weeks we have been making games on Microsoft Makecode Arcade. I thought it was really fun to make them and I am really happy with the result. I am just sad that we couldn't finish it because you can definitely tell that it is not finished. My game is not impossible - just try to find the secret path at the end - it IS there. Thanks to Tonui Collab for letting us make these and I look forward to hopefully do this again sometime. I found it hard to finish my game to the finest detail, and I actually didn't finish so that was sad. But it is still playable and you can win. Or can you? Can you beat my game?Here is a link to my game: New Zealand Ninja Warrior (NEW UPDATE)

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Tipu question/answer game!

Today in Hub Mako we are making a game for tipu in schools (maori learning)! It is a question and answer game and I think its really cool. I found it quite tricky to find the code to add to the pre-existing code to make it better, and then code them the right way. If you are seeing this game it might/might not be finished but it will update as I update it. I really enjoyed doing this and I will definitely look forward to updating and finishing this game. I really enjoy easter eggs in games so I added a few into my game! See if you can find them.  Thanks to Tutoro from Gisborne Boys High School for making the base code. Please leave a comment. Here is my game:

Friday, 10 July 2020

Tipu video

For Cybersmart we were tasked with making a video showing some maori words and also using a voice changer. I decided to make mine about the aftermath of a nuclear war/explosion in china. When I started the video, I didn't realise it had to have maori words in it, so sorry for the change of scene at the start. I found it fun to use all the voice changers and test to see what was the best one for my video. I found it hard to get the right voice as well. Here is my video, please leave a comment

Friday, 3 July 2020

My Intro

In LH3 we were told to make a 5 second video to put in front of our wevideos, and I tried to make mine look as stupid and funny as possible. I really enjoyed doing this task and it was really fun to put together and get all the sounds and combine it with the video. Next time I think I should try and sync the video and sound better. Please leave a comment. Here is my video:

Monday, 29 June 2020

Piskel Cybersmart task!

Last Cybersmart session we were introduced to a website called piskel in which you can create animated characters out of pixels. I really enjoyed doing this and I made heaps of different characters. I found this really quite easy and fun to do but I think I could have put more detail into my design.  I have put in pictures of my brown wolf, my celebration kiwi, and my sad kiwi. Here is a link to piskel here if you want to try it for yourself: Piskel. Please leave a comment on my work.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Cybersmart Copyright challenge!

In one of our cybersmart sessions we were assigned this challenge to fill out a template of our self using images that had to be labeled for reuse with modification. I found it hard to source the images from the internet and thinking of what to put in the boxes. But apart from that I thought it was quite easy to do. I even found images for everything and I could use all of them as well! Please leave a comment on my work.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Lockdown free write!

In the lockdown while learning at home we did a free write about the lockdown and how we think of it. I found it hard to put all of the points together. This is my piece of writing: please leave a comment.

The lockdown. It's stripped us of our freedom by keeping us in our neighbourhood at all times. However, it’s for our own good. New Zealand has eliminated the virus. It's working. Unsurprisingly, cases have dropped since the start of the lockdown. It IS working. This isn't all for nothing. We have successfully eliminated community transmission in New Zealand according to David Clark and Jacinda Ardern. So far, it has been the best possible outcome that could have happened to NZ.

 I think that Jacinda Ardern has handled this crisis very, very well. She has led us through these unprecedented times very well and even my mum- who is a national supporter- thinks so too. If we hold together and listen to the experts, we can get through this. I know we can. New Zealand is setting an example to other countries, by managing to win the battle against Covid-19. But we still have not won the war. That's a long way off, but we'll get there. Recently, we moved into level two. We have been steadily moving down levels and soon we might be in level one.

 It IS working. This isn't all for nothing. By listening to the experts and the government, we have successfully eliminated covid-19 from New Zealand for now, and before we know it, we could be back in glorious level two. kia kaha New Zealand.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

My covid reflection video!!!!!

This week at home one of my tasks for home learning was to make a WeVideo on the things we like about the lockdown and then the bad stuff about the lockdown. I made mine into a video call of four people, but the four people are just me. The hard thing was to edit and sync the videos together. I made so many videos and only used four. Overall, this task was really fun even if it took me a whole two hours to film, edit, and export. I am very happy about the finished product. Please leave a comment!

Friday, 1 May 2020

ANZAC presentation slideshow!

In Hub Mako we have been doing slideshows on the Gallipoli campaign and the ANZAC soldiers that went. I already have quite a reasonable knowledge of the campaign so it was really fun for me. Unfortunately, me and my family missed the thing at 6.00 in the morning were we stood at our letterboxes, but I did stick a poppy and a sign on our letterbox.  Here is my slideshow, I hope you like it. Please leave a comment:

Thursday, 23 April 2020

ANZAC Backgrounds!

Since it is close to ANZAC day, Hub Mako has been doing lots of ANZAC-themed work. So for cybersmart today (23/04/20) we have created a sunset background on google canvas, which is basically Google's photoshop, but not photoshop because you cant load photos onto it. (I think). ANYway, I hope you enjoy my ANZAC sunset background:

War animations

So, on the past few days in Hub Mako we have been making animations about ANZAC day. It could be an animation about the war or a true war story. I chose the story of Chips the dog. He was the most decorated dog in ww2. I know its not a story from the ANZAC landings but it didn't have to be. Chips attacked a Italian concrete machine-gun installation by himself. He came away unscathed. Here is my animation:

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

About ME!

I enjoyed this activity. It was fun to learn new things on google drawings and make our thing as cool as possible. I learned lots of cool things and I am happy with the result. Here is my about me: