Monday, 18 May 2020

Lockdown free write!

In the lockdown while learning at home we did a free write about the lockdown and how we think of it. I found it hard to put all of the points together. This is my piece of writing: please leave a comment.

The lockdown. It's stripped us of our freedom by keeping us in our neighbourhood at all times. However, it’s for our own good. New Zealand has eliminated the virus. It's working. Unsurprisingly, cases have dropped since the start of the lockdown. It IS working. This isn't all for nothing. We have successfully eliminated community transmission in New Zealand according to David Clark and Jacinda Ardern. So far, it has been the best possible outcome that could have happened to NZ.

 I think that Jacinda Ardern has handled this crisis very, very well. She has led us through these unprecedented times very well and even my mum- who is a national supporter- thinks so too. If we hold together and listen to the experts, we can get through this. I know we can. New Zealand is setting an example to other countries, by managing to win the battle against Covid-19. But we still have not won the war. That's a long way off, but we'll get there. Recently, we moved into level two. We have been steadily moving down levels and soon we might be in level one.

 It IS working. This isn't all for nothing. By listening to the experts and the government, we have successfully eliminated covid-19 from New Zealand for now, and before we know it, we could be back in glorious level two. kia kaha New Zealand.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

My covid reflection video!!!!!

This week at home one of my tasks for home learning was to make a WeVideo on the things we like about the lockdown and then the bad stuff about the lockdown. I made mine into a video call of four people, but the four people are just me. The hard thing was to edit and sync the videos together. I made so many videos and only used four. Overall, this task was really fun even if it took me a whole two hours to film, edit, and export. I am very happy about the finished product. Please leave a comment!

Friday, 1 May 2020

ANZAC presentation slideshow!

In Hub Mako we have been doing slideshows on the Gallipoli campaign and the ANZAC soldiers that went. I already have quite a reasonable knowledge of the campaign so it was really fun for me. Unfortunately, me and my family missed the thing at 6.00 in the morning were we stood at our letterboxes, but I did stick a poppy and a sign on our letterbox.  Here is my slideshow, I hope you like it. Please leave a comment: