Monday, 2 December 2019

Term 4 and whole year recount!

I think the past year has been one of my best. My time as a student at Wainui Beach School is drawing to a close, but I have had a rich six years as a student of this school. I feel I am ready to transition to Gis int and I want to end the year on a high.

I think one of the best experiences from this year has been Camp Kaitawa and the Google Summit in Auckland. They were both out of Gisborne and were both well worth the trip. I have had lots of experiences this year, such as Inter School rugby, School Patrols, House Captains, and many many more. I have achieved lots this year and I hope to achieve more and new things at intermediate. I hope to achieve my goal for the end of the year, which is to win the Kohn cup, which would be the best possible way to end the year for me. For those who do not know, the Kohn cup is a cup presented to a year six boy and the winner gets their name placed on the wooden board at the back of the hall. There is also the Collier cup for year six girls.

Again, I think I have had an awesome time this year and in my time at WBS and I will be content when I leave this school. I learnt so much and will learn more in my new school. Some of my friends are going to different intermediates and I will have the opportunity to make new friends, while retaining some friends from WBS. Please leave a comment.