Wednesday, 10 April 2019

House captains, Houses, and SHINE Cards!!

SO.... a couple of weeks back we started having house captain entries coming in from year 5's and 6's hoping to be chosen for house captains. Among them was me. AND, a couple of weeks back the house captains were announced! and I got chosen!!! SO, now I am house captain of mango house along with Isabel. Each house has a different mascot and mango has a shark!!!. The other mascots are: karoro (seagull), kakahi (orca), and manaia (seahorse) I have some responsibilities that come with being a house captain, such as being a role model for my house, setting up for school events, counting the house's SHINE cards, and just generally being awesome. I am so happy to be house captain and I look forward to the next three terms. See you next term!!
- Hunter

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Escape from Kraznir

This week and last week in MLH EL4 writing group has been making something called Escape from Kraznir.

It is were you choose two characters from the picture below, and then make up another character. (that character is you BTW).Then you have to make a plan to escape from this evil castle called castle Krill, and then escape the land of Kraznir to get to your home country called Slinsil. You have to make a story were you decide your characters fate, a bit like Dungeons and Dragons if you know that game. BUT, there are some set challenges that you have to do on the way. I have only done one chapter so I am not so far in. But I like this writing task because I really like fantasy. Please leave a comment.